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Hello TR3 Players, I have been messing with the settings. Turning things off like Tessellation and ofcourse the full screen exclusive option. I got the hair quality on normal. I also tried each preset, from Low to Ultimate.
And did not worked aswell. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now what happens if I click in the play button. My screen goes black like it does with all games if it starts up. But thats basicly all what I see for 2 seconds then it returns to desktop. My steam displays I am playing the game when I already have the launcher open (green name). When I do get returned to the desktop, my status goes back to online (blue name).
An idle up around 3000 rpm if everything is adjusted indicates a lean condition from adjustment, air leak or idle circuit passages being dirty. If the idle still climbs too high, then check for air leaks. If there are none, the carbs need cleaning. BTW- the idle air screw should have a spring on it which will prevent it from loosening, If not, get one. Mikuni bs34 carburetor manual download. I would turn the idle mixture out to 3.5 turns, make sure there is free play on the throttle cable, good plugs properly gapped, just let it idle to warm, then use the idle air screw to adjust to 1200 rpm.
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To let you know what my specs are here is the list: OS: Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1 Motherboard: Asus M5A78L-M/USB3 CPU: AMD Vishera FX-6300, SixCore 3.9Ghz RAM: Corsair Vengeance 16 GB DDR3-1600 Graphics: Nvidia GTX660 2GB PSU: 700 Watt Cooler Master PSU I do know the that Nvidia has trouble running the game. I looked up for some of the fixes including the Nvidia product but without any succes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of Fails: Turn off Steam and run DXSETUP in the Tomb Raider folder (No succes).
Reinstalling game (No succes). Verify game (No succes). Drivers are up to date, I have reinstalled them manualy (Current version 320.49)(No succes).
Updated windows (Now up to date)(No succes). Use Low to Ultimate preset (No succes).
Turning off Tessellation (No succes). Turning off full screen exclusive (No succes). Turning off full screen itself (No Succes). Turning off AA (No succes). Now u have list of what I tried so any suggestions under these terms are not working. Anyone an idea what I could do next other then staring at this Rock I bought from Steam? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: I don't need help anymore I figured out the problem for me.
I also posted down here but to make it easier I will copy & paste it to this main post. I did this out of my own no forum helped me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Go to the Tomb Raider folder in (Usually C: Program Files Steam steamapps common Tomb Raider ) I have a diffrent path but you will know where it is I assume. Lets get going.
- What u want to do is go to the Tomb Raider.exe file. - Right click on the Tom Raider.exe file. - Select Compatibility Troubleshooting. - Select try the recommended settings. (this will automaticlly change the settings).