Kp Astrology Software In Tamil


There are more than 200 video clippings available in Tamil and English language. Advertising arens schaefer weigold pdf free trial It will be very useful to acquire the methodology of Advanced KP stellar Astrology. AstroWonder is specially designed Vedic and KP Astrology Software for professional astrologers who are looking for accuracy of calculation and wide range of charts/analysis tool available on hand, it is loaded with many features not found in any other Astrology Software.

KP system is used for minute calculations and predictions This KP software incorporates all accurate KP calculations. To understand the benefits of KP software we must understand that KP system is used for minute calculations and predictions. If we differentiate between Indian Astrology and Krishnamurty Paddhati we find that KP system is specifically used for getting minute predictions. For instance the twins in whose birth there is difference of few minutes. The horoscopes of both of them are similar then why they are different. According to traditional astrology the destiny of both should be same.

But a big difference is found in their fate. Sometimes one of them dies. And the other remains alive. One becomes a cloth merchant and the other an engineer. This KP software containing KP system is an answer for this problem. Additional Features of KP Software KP software Leostar is considered best in the market of KP astrology softwares because of its accuracy and credibility.

KP System gives the formula of sub-lord for getting minute predictions. The main difference in degrees in closet charts comes from the sub-lords of houses.

The slight difference of few minutes change sub lords of houses. So KP system advocates the paramount need of considering these Sub-lords. This KP software incorporates all calculations of KP system. KP System can be used at any time for prediction.

Most of the astrologers use this KP software to get answers for their questions. In addition, this KP software can be used to determine the timing of an event by using KP system. KP software is generally used to determine timing of events like marriage and employment etc. The comprehensive information about KP System has been included in KP software leostar, for instance significators of houses, ruling planet, Lagna, Chalit, Navmansh, cuspal chart, details of significators, and detailed information about Avakhada, Vimshotri Dasha, Sukshma Dasha and transit. Features of KP software are as follows: • KP Planet • KP House • KP Planet, significator element • House significator element • Lordship • KP Lagna chart • KP Lagna Chalit • KP Bhava chart • KP Navmansh chart • KP Karkattwa detail - planet and Nakshatra position, lord, sub lord, the position of the planet in the constellation of the planet. • Vimshotri Dasha - • Transit - Sun, Moon and Ascendant. • KP Bhava(house) Degree In general systems of astrology it is analysed that a specific planet occupying a house is located in the Rashi of which house but in Krishnamurti system it is seen that which sign is there on the starting point of a house.