Half Life 1 Portal Gun Mod

Jul 29, 2009 - Preview. HalfLife-HeadCrab May 25 2010. Yes make your own. I want more half-life 2 skins for HL 1.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • Items [ ] The Portal Gun Mod adds a few different items most of which are from the game Portal. Portal Gun [ ] The portal gun comes in a few different colors and can create portals corresponding to its color. Portals are made by left and right clicking, portals cannot be made on transparent blocks, if an invalid location is selected for a portal there is a small particle effect similar to the game Portal. Portals can be reset by pressing the 'R' key while holding the portal gun using the default settings. Solid blocks and mobs can be picked up with the portal gun while nearby by pressing the 'G' key on default settings and can be dropped by pressing the 'G' key again, blocks dropped by the portal gun will fall similar to sand and gravel if not placed adjacent to a solid block, blocks will also keep damage values and tile entities. Some blocks cannot be picked up if mod authors choose, a good example of this is rubber tree blocks from Industrial Craft 2 cannot be picked up with the portal gun to prevent creating a wall of tappable rubber blocks.
Blocks and mobs held with the portal gun will be taken through portal gun portals but the player must walk through first. When only one portal is active it will appear similar to how it would appear in the game Portal. However, when there are two active portals of corresponding colors you can see 'through' each portal to the other one.
If a portal is shot onto the moon and the other on the ground, all blocks and entities nearby will be sucked in. Portals have an outline that can be seen through blocks similar to in the game Portal and Portal 2. Portal Spawners [ ] When placed a portal spawner will show a GUI displaying all the portal colors from which you can pick, a portal spawner will spawn a portal when activated with a redstone current, this portal is no different than one created with a portal gun. Weighted Storage Cube [ ] To put it simply, a storage cube is an entity, which can be used on pressure plates and can be pushed around by other entities. Companion cubes can be smelted into the music disc 'still alive' which can be played in a jukebox to play the Valve's Portal song, which will play in the portal game after you defeat GLaDOS. The storage cube can also be combined with a rose on the crafting grid to make a companion cube, see weighted companion cube.

Weighted Companion Cube [ ] Companion cubes can be made by combining a weighted storage cube with a rose in the crafting grid to make your new friend. Companion cubes can also be smelted into the music disc 'still alive' which can be played in a jukebox to play one of Valve's Portal songs as will play in the portal game after you defeat GLaDOS. Otherwise, they perform in the same way as a Weighted Storage Cube. Sentry Turret [ ] Turrets are entities that are hostile to all entities except the player, an odd feature. They shoot laser tracking beams from a laser on the central part of their body and a turrets side panels will pop out when tracking something, not unlike in the portal game. When bumped sharply or hit. Turrets will also rotate/move if gently pushed, and when 'de-activated' will make noises like in the portal game. Testi pa belaruskaj ltaraturi 11 klas 2.
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