Winrunner Testing Tool Free Download For Windows 7 64 Bit

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In previous article we had seen about ““. Today we are demonstrating on step by step guide for how to download and install UFT (Latest version of QTP).
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Jan 10, 2018 - Winrunner download. Winrunner testing tool free download. Vlc media player download windows 7 64 bit free download. Winrunner testing tool.
QTP (UFT) 12.0 System Requirements As we all know that the latest version of HP’s Quick Test Pro is named as HP QTP (UFT) 12.0. If user wants to download and install the QTP latest version, first they should know the minimum system requirements. Since, it is always better to have a configuration higher than the minimum requirements. Minimum System Requirements for QTP (UFT)12.0 are, Free Hard Disk Space 1 GB of free space is required to locate application files and folders. Additionally, 120 MB of free space is required on disk where the operating system is installed.
Computer Processor Pentium IV (1.6 Ghz) or higher microprocessor Operating System Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1. Color Settings High Color (16 bit) Graphics Card Graphics card with 64 MB video memory Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 Memory Minimum 2 GB memory is required toload three add-ins, concurrently and to load more add-ins more memory is required. Also, more memory is required when using the save movie to results option to capture movies during run sessions. Color Settings Color upto 16 bit Graphics Card Graphics card with 64 MB video memory Hard Disk Drive 5400 RPM Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 Important note: • Using UFT with IE 11 in Windows 8.1 machine, here may not work. To make IE perfect for UFT, manually disable “Enable Enhanced Protected Mode*” and “Enable Protected Mode” in Internet Explorer. Disable “Enable Enhanced Protected Mode*” from Tools > Internet Options > Advanced tab > Security node > Enable Enhanced Protected Mode Disable “Enable Protected Mode”from Tools > Internet Options > Security tab • If somebody installed two versions of QTP – one is in 32-bit and other is in 64-bit then UFT opens first in 32-bit rather than 64-bit,when user will start the UFT application. • Officially, UFT 12 does not work on Windows XP or Windows Vista OS.
It basically works on Windows 7 with service pack 1. QTP (UFT) 12.0 Download link To install UFT 12.0, your system should have IE 7, 8 or 9 and also, windows XP SP2 or XP SP3 or Vista SP2 or Windows 7 SP1. User should have administrative rightson a particular drive to install UFT. Since, QTP is a commercial tool; user can get and download the trial version from HP site, directly. Here, only the latest version of QTP that is UFT (Unified functional testing) “12.0” is available for download. UFT 12.0 can be installed from either: 1) HP’s UFT site: 2) HP’s Downloads URL: “Let’s start the process to download and install QTP (UFT) 12.0, Open URL: “and click on “Try UFT Now”, shown above in the figure.
The next window will be the “Software Download Terms of Use”, click on “I Agree” button to proceed further. Once user click on “I Agree” button, “software and supporting materials” download window opens with four download links. Use the appropriate link to download the software.
Click on the first one to download UFT 12.0 that file size is 1.49 GB, it might take more than hour to download the file, totally depends on the speed of broadband. Once the download process gets over, locate the UFT 12.0 downloaded file wherever you like to and where you get a free drive space, approximate 1 GB. UFT 12.0downloaded file is in Zip file format, unzip it and execute the “Setup.exe” file. After clicking on Setup.exe file, the next execution window will open with number of options, shown in the figure below. Among these options select “Unified Functional Testing Set up” from the list. When you click on “Unified Functional Testing Set up”, the “ 12.00”set-up wizard opens, click next to proceed further, as shown in the figure below.