Vstavit Fotki V Ramku Onlajn

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Drig, is a replication of a book originally published before 1932. Chast 1 dannogo ustava predusmatrivaet raschet i obyazannosti lichnogo sostava dvuh- i trehmestnogo tanka, sluzhbu pri tanke, upravlenie tankami, tehniku preodoleniya tankami prepyatstvij, perehod tanka s gusenichnyj na kolesnyj hod i s kolesnogo na gusenichnyj.Takzhe rassmatrivayutsya stroj i boevoj poryadok tankov, pogruzka tankov i postroenie tankovyh chastej.V prilozheniyah:1) Tablitsa signalov dlya upravleniya2) Uslovnye oboznacheniya tankov This book, 'Boevoj ustav mehanizirovannyh vojsk RKKA. It has been restored by human beings, page by page, so that you may enjoy it in a form as close to the original as possible. Boevoj ustav chastj 1. Click on the cover image above to read some pages of this book! Stroj i boevye poryadki tankov Chast 1,' by E.
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