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Allahabad saw a landmark religious procession led by transgender people, including Laxmi Narayan Tripathi (pictured). The northern Indian city of Allahabad witnessed a historic procession on Sunday led by a Hindu congregation of transgender people. Photojournalist Ankit Srinivas reports. Thousands thronged the streets of Allahabad to seek blessings from transgender sadhus (holy people), ahead of the Kumbh Mela festival, which is set to begin in the city on 15 January and will continue until 4 March.

Izvajanje Mednarodne pogodbe o rastlinskih genskih virih za prehrano in kmetijstvo v Sloveniji Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 99 - 3, december 2012 297 ostalih raziskavah, se v večstranski sistem vključijo po presoji in odločitvi tistega, ki te akcesije razvija. ITPGRFA nalaga državam podpisnicam, da morajo o vključitvi akcesij v.

It is one of Hinduism's holiest events and billed as the world's largest religious gathering. It has been taking place every few years over centuries. Four different northern cities, all along the banks of a holy river, take turns hosting it. Hindus believe that taking a dip in these rivers during the Kumbh will wash away their sins and help them attain salvation. So, tens of millions gather at the festival to do just that. India court legalises gay sex in landmark ruling. India court recognises transgender people as third gender.

In the days leading up to the Kumbh, each of Hinduism's 13 official Akharas or congregations embark on processions to mark their arrival at the festival. These processions are highly coveted as people line up to see holy men and women perched on top of heavily decorated floats. Sunday's procession was different.

It had the usual fanfare - floats, musical bands, camels and horses - but the sadhus were all transgender. Congregations often arrive at the Kumbh on chariots. According to one estimate, India has about two million transgender people. But it wasn't until 2014 that the Supreme Court recognised them as a third gender in a historic ruling. Then in 2018 the court ruled that gay sex was no longer a crime, overturning a colonial-era law. 'Those were significant victories but now the fight to get us social acceptance and our presence at the Kumbh is another step in that direction,' said Laxmi Narayan Tripathi, the head of the transgender congregation, which is known as the Kinnar Akhara. The Kumbh Mela is larger in Allahabad than anywhere else.

Hindu mythology and scriptures are full of references to transgender people - some Hindu gods and goddesses are transgender too. Download zdoom wars servers minecraft. But rights groups say the community is ostracised and faces huge discrimination because of their gender identity. The Kinnar Akhara has been battling the other congregations to lead such a procession. Finally, they chose to do it despite being denied official recognition. 'Transgender people have been mentioned throughout Hindu mythology. You can't just wish us away,' said Atharv, a member of the Kinnar Akhara, who goes by first name only.

'If there can be 13 Akharas for men and women, why not one for transgender people?' The processions are colourful affairs with floats and bands. Hindu mythology and scriptures are full of references to transgender people. Some of the other Akharas say that they are centuries-old and cannot allow the creation of a new congregation that easily. 'The Kumbh is a place where everybody is welcome and we welcome transgender people as well. But they can't be recognised as an Akhara,' said Vidyanand Saraswati, spokesperson of the Juna Akhara, which is the biggest of the 13 Akharas.

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