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Farnese Atlas at the, Naples Prehistory [ ] The oldest known star chart was drawn 5000 years ago by the in Kashmir, which also depict a supernova for the first time in human history. The oldest known star chart may be a carved ivory tusk drawn by early people from Asia that moved into Europe, that was discovered in Germany in 1979. This artifact is 32,500 years old and has a carving that resembles the, although it could not be confirmed and could also be a pregnancy chart. A drawing on the wall of the caves in France has a graphical representation of the of stars. This is dated from 33,000 to 10,000 years ago. Researcher Michael A. Rappenglueck has suggested that a panel in the same caves depicting a charging bison, a man with a bird's head and the head of a bird on top of a piece of wood, together may depict the, which at the time was a.
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Another star chart panel, created more than 21,000 years ago, was found in the grotto. The bovine in this panel may represent the, with a pattern representing the Pleiades just above it. Rappenglueck also discovered a drawing of the constellation in the (North of Spain), made in the same period as the Lascaux ones.
The, a 30 cm wide bronze disk dated to 1600 BC, bears gold symbols generally interpreted as a sun or full moon, a lunar crescent, several stars including the Pleiades cluster and possibly the Milky Way. Antiquity [ ] The oldest accurately dated star chart appeared in ancient in 1534 BC. The were compiled by the ancient of in the late 2nd millennium BC, during the ( ca. 1531–1155 BC). The oldest records of date to the (476–221 BC), but the earliest preserved Chinese star catalogues of astronomers and are found in the 2nd-century BC by the historian. The is a box from the 5th-century BC, although this depiction shows the positions of the by name and does not show individual stars.
The is a 2nd-century AD of a depicting the holding the on his shoulder. It is the oldest surviving depiction of the constellations, and includes grid circles that provide coordinate positions. Because of, the positions of the constellations slowly change over time.
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By comparing the positions of the 41 constellations against the grid circles, an accurate determination can be made of the when the original observations were performed. Based upon this information, the constellations were catalogued at 125 ± 55 BC. This evidence indicates that the of the 2nd-century BC Greek astronomer was used.
A example of a graphical representation of the night sky is the, dating from 50 BC. This is a bas relief sculpting on a ceiling at the. It is a depicting the in graphical representations. However, individual stars are not plotted. Medieval [ ] The oldest surviving manuscript star chart was the, dated to the (618–907) and discovered in the of in, along the. This is a scroll 210 cm in length and 24.4 cm wide showing the sky between 40° south to 40° north in twelve panels, plus a thirteenth panel showing the northern circumpolar sky.